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Thorium Sucks / War Commander

I hate this new Thorium. Only because every time they post new Thorium deposits, I am either at work or with my family. There is no way for you to produce Thorium, you can only get it from Thorium deposits and by taking it from other players.In which, my sector is a friendly  sector. Not much war. There is also  limited amount of Thorium available in the deposit. Once mined dry the deposits are removed from the map. Bummer :-(  The Verkraft Rogue Faction also mine the deposits, thus making the Thorium slowly run out if players do not quickly attack them. There are 3 different sizes of Thorium deposits, the sizes dictate the amount of Thorium they hold (so how long they last for). The Giants are really hard, the large are some what hard and the medium are easy. There's a countdown on the map that tells you how long until a new batch of Thorium deposits spawn, if all have been mined dry and you need more Thorium you'll have to wait or go take it from another player.In which Kixeye only post a couple Thorium deposits every week. At lvl 10 the capacity of the Thorium vault is 1950 000  which means you cant store more then 2 million. The Sickle Cell lvl 40 bases only produce 10,000 Thorium. 


  1. Dear Kixeye / War made a game near impossible to play (at times) and expect people to spend countless hours and dollars to play so why would they not turn to cheating. I have played for a year and a half now and you have sucked the fun out of playing the game for most folks including myself. I know War Commander is a general term but you went from your roots of old style military machines to missile shooting black-widows, Vipers, crusaders and titans which do not belong in the game. It used to be fun long before these imaginary toons and your stupid thorium driven upgrades. Your money hungry and that's all you are.

    You ruined this game yourself and for many cheating was the only way to survive. If you had and brains you would have simply made it impossible to cheat (for most folks) like many FB games do rather then ban your paying customers. I hope you rot in hell Kixeye for what you did and will bad mouth your company and games to as many folks, forums and sites as I can.

  2. I played War Commander for almost 3 years but had to stop at level 37. I just cant do it any longer. The game is no longer fun or challenging. They should call it what it is... Thorium Commander. For me to upgrade all of my current units and base buildings I would need 2,000,000,000 thorium. Yes 2 BILLION (2000 giant thorium depos). Who has the desire to time to hunt thorium and resources every day. There were days when I was collecting 8 million thorium an hour and barely scratched what I needed. I call it quits, cant see why anyone wants to play any more.................................... Yes, there are plenty of cheaters and Kixeye can't keep up with them...................................Yes, the came has way way to many glitches and things that are broken..............................Yes, Kixeye is a business and they don't care about the players.....................All reasons to never play this stupid game again.


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