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War Commander Special Ops

Special Ops are time limited extra's that the player can utilize in three categories : Offensive, Defensive and Tactical.
Among other things Special Op's may spawn various additional Units to aid the player in defending their base or in attacking the enemy.  Some cause enemy units to turn on their own or not spawn at all.  And still other aid the player in gaining Resources in a wide variety of ways.

13 not 12
As these Special Op's are obtained, they are placed in a Reserve for holding until needed.  From there, the player may choose to activate an Op from the Reserve, deactivate an already activated one, or, since space in the Reserve is limited, simply discard one to make room for different ones.
A player can hold up to 13 Special Ops in the Reserve.
Obtaining & Special Op's:
  • All Special Ops are obtained by destroying the Command Center of aRogue Faction Base. At the conclusion of the attack the player will receive either one of the many Op's or a Bonus amount of Metal / Oil. 
  • If a player wishes, they may pay to trade in their Special Op or Bonus for a random chance at a different one. This costs 100,000 Thorium at first, 200,000 Thorium for the second re-roll, 300,000 Thorium for the third and so on.  However this may only be done at the time they are obtained.
Operation of Special Op's:
  • There may be only 1 Op per category active at a time for a total of 3 overall.
  • Any active Op may be deactivated to make room for a different one at any time.
  • All Op's have a limited "Time of Effect" starting from the moment of activation.  They will continue to be functional until this time expires. Spawning Troop Op's will continue to function as long as the battle was initiated prior to the Op expiring.
  • The "Time of Effect" may be extended for various amount of Thorium.
  • Offensive Op's may be subject to a "Cool Down" period. ( See Below )
  • Common & Uncommon Special Op Units have a Default Spawn Level of 5. However if the player has that specific Unit unlocked and upgraded that Special Op Units will spawn at the greater of the two levels. However Rare Special Op Units spawn at a Higher Default Spawn Level.

NameIconLevelDescriptionTime of effectThorium needed to extend
Ace of SpadesAce of SpadesCommon10 Mercenary Mortar Teams join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Bacon BrigadeBacon BrigadeCommon3 Mercenary Razorbacks join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Big Guns4879Common12 Mercenary Heavy Gunners join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
BonfireBonfireCommon8 Mercenary Flamethrowers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
BullseyeBullseyeCommon4 Mercenary Snipers deploy join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Double DieselDouble DieselCommon
A mercenary squad of 3 Colossus and 3 Hercules join your attack after you deploy ground units.
1 hr50,000
GruntGruntsCommon15 Mercenary Riflemen join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Jolly GiantJolly GiantCommon3 Mercenary Colossus join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
KamikazeKamikaze2Common6 Mercenary Suicide Bombers deploy join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
ShockwaveShockwaveCommon3 Mercenary Shock Troopers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Sniff TestSniff TestCommon5 Mercenary Attack Dogs join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr50,000
Death DronesDronesUncommonA mercenary squad of 5 Wing Drones and 5 Copter Drones join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Heavy LiftingHeavy LiftingUncommonA mercenary squad of 5 Colossus and 5 Hercules join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Kitchen SinkSpadeUncommonA mercenary squad of 10 Riflemen, 10 Heavy Gunners, 10 Mortar Teams and 3 Flamethrowers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Mob MentalityHappy guysUncommonA mercenary squad of 5 Riflemen, 5 Mortar Teams, 5 Flamethrowers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Road RallyCheckerflagsUncommonA mercenary squad of 5 Rhinos, 5 Humvees and 5 Honey Badgers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Shock and AweFlamethrowUncommon10 Mercenary Shock Troopers join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr100,000
Hand of GodHandRareA mercenary V2 artillery unit joins your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr500,000
Raining BloodRareRare2 level 10 mercenary Hellstorms join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr500 000
Rare Air
Rare AirRare4 Level 10 Mercenary Warhawks join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr500,000
Rolling ThunderRolling ThunderRare4 Level 10 mega tanks join your attack after you deploy ground units.1 hr500 000
UNKNOWNUnknownOpRareUNKNOWN1 hr500,000


NameIconLevelDescriptionTime of effectThorium needed to extend
Brock N RollBrockandrollCommon8 Mercenary Honey Badgers deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Watch DogWatchCommon5 Mercenary Heavy Gunners and 5 Mortar Teams deploy when your deposits are under attack12 hr50,000
Four Wheelin'Four WheelinCommon10 Mercenary Humvees deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Gat AttackGat AttackCommon2 Mercenary Gatling Trucks deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,00
Hard ChargerHard ChargerCommon6 Mercenary Rhinos deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Light Strike VehiclesLight Strike VehiclesCommon12 Mercenary Rocket Buggies deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Makin' BaconMakin BaconCommon4 Mercenary Razorbacks deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Ring of FireRing of fire2Common20 Mercenary Suicide Bombers deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Rabbit PunchRabitsCommon15 Mercenary Jackrabbits deploy when you base is under attack.12 hr50,000
White KnightWhite paladinCommon2 Mercenary Paladins deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Blitzkrieg BopTankBigBUncommon3 Mercenary Challengers deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr50,000
Canned SpinachCanned SpinachUncommon5 Mercenary Hercules deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr100,000
Death From AboveDeath from AboveUncommon2 Mercenary Hellfires deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr100,000
Dogs of WarWolfHeadsUncommon5 Mercenary Shock Tanks deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr100,000
Heavy Metal AwardUncommon5 Mercenary Challengers deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr100,000
Hell On WheelsHellonwheels1Uncommon3 Mercenary Laser Tanks deploy when your base is under attack.12 hr100,000
Snake PitSnake cobraUncommon
5 Mercenary Cobras deploy when your base is under attack.
12 hr100,000
Birds of PreyBirds of preyRare
2 Mercenary Kondors deploy when your base is under attack.
12 Hr500,000
Sky SentinelSky SentinelRare5 Mercenary Paladins and 5 Warhawks deploy when your deposits are under attack.12 hr500,000


NameIconLevelDescriptionTime of effectThorium needed to extend
18 Wheeler18wheelersCommonIncreased resource generation at deposits and producers by 20%.1 d50,000
PickpocketPickpockedCommonIncrease Loot acquired by 40%.1 d50,000
Anti-personnel shellsAnti-Personnel ShellsUncommonBuildings you destroy do not produce last stand defenders.1 hr100,000
Deuce and a HalfHummerFrontUncommonIncreased resource generation at deposits and producers by 40%.1 d100,000
HookersHelo somethingUncommonTransport Choppers allow your platoons to move faster and ignore terrain. When Op is done all platoons return to your base.1 hr100,000
Kleptomaniac60PercentUncommonIncrease Loot acquired by 60%.1 d100,000
Double AgentDouble agentRareWhen you destroy a enemy building, it will spawn Flamethrowers, Suicide bombers, and Heavy Gunners, which work for you. 1 hr500,000
DragonflyDragonflyRareIncreased resource generation at deposits and producers by 60%.1 d500,000
Forward Operating Base Forward operating base iconRareYou can deploy platoons from any deposit that you own.1 hr500,000
Jumbo JetJumbo JetRareIncreased resource generation at deposits and producers by 100%.1 d500,000
Master ThiefMaster ThiefRareIncreased Loot acquired by 100%1d500,000
OperativeOperativeRareBuildings you destroy produce Last Stand Defenders that fight for you.1 hr500,000

Additional  Facts

  • The Levels of the Special Op's are indicated by 3 different Icon colors :
    • Silver = Common
    • Gold = Uncommon
    • Green = Rare
  • The category, Offensive, Defensive or Tactical, of the Special Ops is indicated by 3 different Icon shapes:
    • Offensive: Circle
    • Defensive: Shield
    • Tactical: Chevron
  • Offensive Op's do not count towards the Unit limit set by your level of Storage when attacking and the Defensive Op's do not count toward the Base Defense Limit set by your level of Command Center.
  • Bonus Resources ( obtained instead of an Special Op ) do not generate xp for the player.  However the increase in the normally xp generating resources ( like Looted resources ) from using op's dose generate experience point. 
  • The Level of Rogue Base destroyed has no relationship to the type or level of the Special Op that is given. Nor does it effect the amount of extra resources that might be given. All base levels use the same percentages when determining the awarded Op's.
  • The transport unit that carries deployed platoons, when one uses Hookers, is called a Chinook.

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