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War Commander Guide

War Commander Guide
This is A basic War Commander Guide, So we will start with the basics.  All you need to know about the War Commander game map. The map is the heart of the game so use this War Commander Guide to understand the map and How to use it, and you are good to go.
If you are a a veteran War commander game player, then you don’t need this War Commander Guide, but browse around and look for our War Commander Tips, I’m sure you will learn some new stuff as well.
First I will explain what each color means:
Blue means everything you own.
Green means everything your friends own.
Red is everything that is not owned by your or your friends, and therefore by the enemy.
Yellow is everything that is owned by the computer-controlled rogue factions.
To proceed the War Commander Guide I’ll use a screenshot to more easily explain the deferent aspects of the War Commander map:
war commander guide
war commander guide
1: This is your own base on war commander game. Bases are shown by a bunch of buildings, which can be identified as: a Command Center, a War Commander Go-Go Bar, a Barracks, a Power Plant and a War Room (a building that was removed and replaced by the world map). Rogue faction bases also show buildings, but they’re different from the buildings shown on player bases. The Rogue Faction buildings can be identified as: 2 Bunkers, an Oil Storage, the Repair Shop (a building that was planned but never added) and a yet to be identified building. Lower lvl bases do not have all of the buildings posted here, but higher lvl bases do.
2: When you click on your base, these 2 buttons appear. The button indicated by the number 2 is used to enter your base from the war commander world map.
3: This button is used to deploy a platoon when you’re on the war commander world map.
4: This is one of your own platoons. Platoons can be recognized by a combination of units shown. The combinations shown differ according to what’s in the platoons.
  • A single rifleman platoon consists of only a few infantry units.
  • A double Rifleman platoon consists of only a large amount of infantry units.
  • A platoon indicated with 1 Rifleman and 1 Humvee consists of an unspecified amount of infantry units and a small amount of vehicles.
  • A platoon indicated with 1 Rifleman and 1 Tank consists of an unspecified amount of infantry units and a large amount of vehicles.
  • A single tank platoon consists of only a small amount of vehicles
  • A double tank platoon consists of only a large amount of vehicles
  • A single dog platoon consists of only Attack Dogs. So far tests have proven that a double dog platoon is not possible.
5: This is an enemy platoon. Following the rules just stated, this platoon should consist of an unspecified amount of infantry units and a small amount of vehicles. I scouted it and it indeed consisted of 5 Riflemen, 5 Heavy Gunners,3 Rocket Launchers and 2 Humvees.
6: This is an enemy base, identifiable by the red color.
7: This an enemy deposit. Deposits can be identified by the main deposit building that is shown. This deposit is an Oil Deposit looking at the type of building shown. The building that is shown is bigger when the deposit is a higher lvl. More about deposits later on.
8: This is a friendly Oil Deposit. Judging from the size difference in both icons, this friendly deposit is a higher lvl deposit then the deposit from number 7.
9: These are Rogue Faction Bases. They’re identified by the buildings (as already talked about) and the yellow color. Rogue Faction bases are computer controlled bases. Because there are so many of them, and most of them are very easy bases, they form an easy source for resources.
10: When you click on a base, deposit or platoon that’s not your own, these 2 buttons will come up. The first button, the Scout/Attack button, is used when you want to scout and/or attack a base/deposit/platoon. You can only scout or attack something on war commander game when you have a platoon adjacent to the target. The second button is the bookmark button, which will add the target to your bookmarks. (more on that later)
11: This bar shows how many platoons you have deployed. If you hover your cursor over this bar a list of your platoons will appear. The list will show the icon, the name, the travel time (if necessary), the current coordinates, the health bar and the capacity bar of each platoon. Click on any of the platoons to let the game bring you to it on the war commander world map.
12: This bar shows how many deposits you own. If you hover your cursor over this bar a list of your deposits will appear. The list will show the type, the size, the coordinates, the health bar and the capacity bar of each deposit. Click on any of the deposits to let the game bring you to it on the war commander world map.
13: This box tells you the coordinates of the hex your cursor is on, and it will also tell your sector. You can jump sectors by clicking on your Command Center and clicking ‘Relocate’. You can move to sectors your friends are in, but you can also jump randomly if you want. You can also jump in-sector to be closer to a friend of your choice.
14: This is the button that will open your war commander bookmarks. To add something to your  war commander bookmarks, click on it and then click the star icon. When you open your war commander bookmarks, a list of all your bookmarks will appear, along with the name of the bookmark and the location. If you click on a bookmark in the list, the game will automatically bring you there. You can re-name your bookmarks by clicking the pencil in front of the name, and you can delete them by clicking the trash can icon next to the location of your bookmarks. Your recent attackers are also automatically bookmarked, and can be found in the ‘Recent Enemies’ tab in the bookmarks. All the friends that are in your sector are also automatically bookmarked and can be found in the ‘Friends’ tab in the bookmarks.
15: The function of these two buttons is pretty obvious. The first button will bring you to your base automatically on the world map, and the second button will allow you to enter your base from the world map.

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